Data Visualizations

Check in regularly for data visualizations on the latest health issues in the U.S.


Blog: MMR Vaccinations - Getting Back on Track after the Pandemic

Measles has once again taken center stage after being eliminated from the U.S. in 2000.

#measlesoutbreak2024 #mmrvaccine #safety #stem4humanrights



Article: Race-Based Disparities in Insurance Coverage Among Cancer Survivors

Minorities are 2-3 times more likely to be denied insurance because they already have cancer.

#cancerresearch #healthinsurance #lifeinsurance #stem4humanrights



Blog: Medicare’s Cancer Policy and the Case for Universal Coverage

Just 4% of the people ages 65 and over were denied cancer coverage.

#medicare #cancerequity #healthinsurance #stem4humanrights



Article: Barriers and Facilitators to Racial Equity in K-12

Parents are a unique tool for enhancing school safety when effectively engaged by school leadership.

#education #parentalinvolvement #schoolachievement #stem4humanrights



Blog: Transphobia, Misogyny and Intimate Partner Violence in 2024

Even at a young age, heightened peer aggression is a reality for both LGBTQ and women.

#lgbtq #women #peeraggression #stem4humanrights